Utility classes and functions#
Random number generation#
#include <utility/rng.hpp>
namespace rng#
Contains the PRNG classes and functions used for generating random numbers.
inline bool randomBool() noexcept#
Generate a random boolean value from a uniform distribution.
template<std::integral IntType = int>
IntType randomInt(
)# Generate a random integer from a uniform distribution on the closed interval [lbound, ubound].
template<std::floating_point RealType = double>
RealType randomReal()# Generate a random floating-point value from a uniform distribution on the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).
template<std::floating_point RealType = double>
RealType randomReal(
)# Generate a random floating-point value of from a uniform distribution on the half-open interval [lbound, ubound).
template<std::floating_point RealType = double>
RealType randomNormal(
)# Generate a random floating-point value from a normal distribution with the specified mean and std deviation.
template<std::integral IntType = int>
IntType randomPoisson(double mean)# Generate a random integer value from a poisson distribution with the specified mean.
template<std::integral IntType = int>
IntType randomBinomial( - IntType n,
- double p,
Generate a random integer value from an approximate binomial distribution with the parameters n and p.
template<std::ranges::random_access_range R>
detail::size_type<R> randomIndex( - const R &range,
Generate a random index for a range.
template<std::forward_iterator Iter>
Iter randomElement(Iter first, Iter last)# Pick a random element from a range.
template<std::integral IntType>
small_vector<IntType> sampleUnique(
)# Generate
unique integers from the half-open range [lbound
constexpr ConcurrentXoroshiro128p prng#
The global pseudo-random number generator instance used in the algorithms.
class ConcurrentXoroshiro128p#
- #include <rng.hpp>
The pseudo-random number generator class used in the library. This class is a simple wrapper around the Xoroshiro128p generator to make operator() thread-safe.
The global prng instance should be used instead of creating new instances of this generator.
Public Types
using result_type = Xoroshiro128p::result_type#
using state_type = Xoroshiro128p::state_type#
Public Functions
inline result_type operator()() const noexcept#
- Returns:
The next number of the sequence. Thread-safe.
Public Static Functions
static inline void seed(std::uint64_t seed)#
Set a new seed for the generator. This function is not thread-safe and shouldn’t be called concurrently with the random number generation functions (e.g. while a GA is running).
static inline constexpr result_type min() noexcept#
- Returns:
The smallest possible value that can be generated.
static inline constexpr result_type max() noexcept#
- Returns:
The largest possible value that can be generated.
using result_type = Xoroshiro128p::result_type#
template<std::floating_point RealType = double>
class QuasiRandom# - #include <qrng.hpp>
Quasi-random number generator based on: http://extremelearning.com.au/unreasonable-effectiveness-of-quasirandom-sequences/. Generates points in the unit hypercube in dim dimensions.
Public Types
using size_type = std::size_t#
Public Functions
explicit QuasiRandom(size_type dim, NonNegative<RealType> seed = 0.5)#
Create a quasi-random number generator in
inline result_type operator()()#
Generate the next quasi-random point of the sequence.
inline void reset(NonNegative<RealType> new_seed = 0.5)#
Reset the generator’s state using a specified seed.
using size_type = std::size_t#
class Splitmix64#
- #include <rng.hpp>
Splitmix64 pseudo-random number generator based on https://prng.di.unimi.it/splitmix64.c. This generator is only used for seeding the Xoroshiro generators.
Public Types
using result_type = std::uint64_t#
The generator generates 64 bit integers.
using state_type = std::uint64_t#
The generator has a 64 bit state.
Public Functions
inline explicit constexpr Splitmix64(state_type seed) noexcept#
Create a new Splitmix64 generator initialized from a 64 bit seed value.
The global prng instance should be used instead of creating new instances of this generator.
- Parameters:
seed – The seed used to initialize the state of the generator.
inline constexpr result_type operator()() noexcept#
- Returns:
The next number of the sequence.
inline constexpr void seed(state_type seed) noexcept#
Set a new seed for the generator.
Public Static Functions
static inline constexpr result_type min() noexcept#
- Returns:
The smallest possible value that can be generated.
static inline constexpr result_type max() noexcept#
- Returns:
The largest possible value that can be generated.
- friend constexpr bool operator==(
- const Splitmix64&,
- const Splitmix64&,
Compare the internal state of 2 generators.
- Returns:
true if they are the same.
using result_type = std::uint64_t#
class Xoroshiro128p#
- #include <rng.hpp>
Xoroshiro128+ pseudo-random number generator based on https://prng.di.unimi.it/xoroshiro128plus.c
See also
David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna. “Scrambled linear pseudorandom number generators.” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 47, no. 4 (2021): 1-32.
Public Types
using result_type = std::uint64_t#
The generator generates 64 bit integers.
using state_type = std::array<uint64_t, 2>#
The generator has 128 bits of state.
Public Functions
inline explicit constexpr Xoroshiro128p(std::uint64_t seed) noexcept#
Create a Xoroshiro128+ generator initialized from a 64 bit seed value.
The global prng instance should be used instead of creating new instances of this generator.
- Parameters:
seed – The seed used to initialize the state of the generator.
inline constexpr result_type operator()() noexcept#
- Returns:
The next number of the sequence.
inline constexpr Xoroshiro128p &jump() noexcept#
Advance the state of the generator by 2^96 steps.
inline constexpr void seed(std::uint64_t seed) noexcept#
Set a new seed for the generator.
Public Static Functions
static inline constexpr result_type min() noexcept#
- Returns:
The smallest possible value that can be generated.
static inline constexpr result_type max() noexcept#
- Returns:
The largest possible value that can be generated.
- friend constexpr bool operator==(
- const Xoroshiro128p&,
- const Xoroshiro128p&,
Compare the internal state of 2 generators.
- Returns:
True if they are the same.
using result_type = std::uint64_t#
inline bool randomBool() noexcept#
Floating-point comparison tolerances#
#include <utility/math.hpp>
class ScopedTolerances#
This class can be used to set the absolute and relative tolerances used for comparing floating-point values in the GAs.
When an instance of the class is created, the tolerance values are set to the values specified by the parameters of the constructor, and these new tolerance values will be used for floating-point comparisons until the instance of the class is destroyed. The tolerances are reset to their old values when the instance is destroyed.
Creating an instance of this class modifies the global floating point tolerance values. This means that this class shouldn’t be instantiated on multiple threads at once.
Public Functions
- inline ScopedTolerances(
- NonNegative<double> abs,
- NonNegative<double> rel,
Create an instance of the class, setting new values for the tolerances used for floating-point comparisons.
- Parameters:
abs – The absolute tolerance value that will be used for the comparisons. Can’t be negative.
rel – The relative tolerance value around 1.0 that will be used for the comparisons. Can’t be negative.
inline ~ScopedTolerances() noexcept#
Reset the tolerances to their previous values.
#include <utility/math.hpp>
class Tolerances#
This class contains the global absolute and relative tolerance values used for comparing floating-point values in the GAs.
New tolerances can be set using the ScopedTolerances class.
#include <utility/thread_pool.hpp>
inline void gapp::execution_threads(size_t count)#
Set the number of threads that will be used by the library to run the genetic algorithms.
The value should be between 1 and the number of hardware threads. The default number of threads used will be the value returned by std::thread::hardware_concurrency.
This function is not thread-safe and shouldn’t be called while a genetic algorithm is running.
- Parameters:
count – The desired number of threads. Must be at least 1.
Bounded value types#
#include <utility/bounded_value.hpp>
template<typename T, T Low, T High>
using gapp::BoundedValue = detail::BoundedValue<T, detail::Interval<T>{Low, High, true, true}># Type representing values in the closed interval [Low, High].
template<typename T>
using gapp::NonNegative = detail::BoundedValue<T, detail::Interval<T>{T(0), std::numeric_limits<T>::max(), true, true}># Type representing values in the closed interval [0, Tmax].
template<typename T>
using gapp::Negative = detail::BoundedValue<T, detail::Interval<T>{std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest(), T(0), true, false}># Type representing values in the half-closed interval [Tmin, 0).
template<typename T>
using gapp::Positive = detail::BoundedValue<T, detail::Interval<T>{T(0), std::numeric_limits<T>::max(), false, true}># Type representing values in the half-closed interval (0, Tmax].